Tuesday, November 19, 2013

More Character Studies

Hello, here is an update from what I am doing in Stephen Silver's Character Design Class.  I redrew the  Abelina and Wren (Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde) character more simplified and colored in.  Here is the full color, the final ink and the roughs.

Abelina Baxter

IF you look at the roughs, the left hand is drawn as a right hand so I had to fix that in the final...

 Here I simplified Abelina's form more keeping minimal details and more exact measurement.  I am going to practice more turnarounds, I have not done one for the other character Wren Blackburn, so perhaps her next.

Wren Blackburn finals and other drawings....

Here is a cowboy drawing I did, I tried to change the style a bit, but the anatomy and overall construction is a bit off. I am going to revise this and later color that version in.

Here are some roughs of other cowboys, a cowgirl concept that I didn't get to do.

Horse concepts

That's it for now, take care!!!

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