Hello everyone who checks this blog, I have a new post!
This post is another exercise and I promise that I will soon show updates on my comic and a few other surprises... ;)
Anyways, this exercise is taken from John K.'s website and I always wanted to do it because it looked fun to do, plus Scribner is one of my favorite animators.
Well here it is, first the construction.....

And last but not least the details. (You can click on all these images to enlarge)

Well that's all the work I'm going to post now. I have also been doing caricatures, but I'm still in a slump with those. I feel I got to understand anatomy of the human face more. I also have one last final treat for all my readers and that is one of my favorite comics by the cartoonist Chester Gould, the guy who did Dick Tracy. I think this comic is ahead of it's time because of the loose style of the silhouettes and when I first saw this comic I couldn't believe it was Gould because most of his stuff is usually stocky and overbearing. The last 3 panels are my favorite and I enjoy how the bodies look when they are merged together, it really makes a beautiful shape.

Well that's it and next week I will have more and if you're in Baltimore come to comic con it's coming up, soon I believe, and I hear the line up is sweeeeet!
You might be getting the proportions right but not the shapes. They're really wonky. They dont have much form. Look at bugs right ear near the end. Yours like goes in the original bevels out. Your wrinkles right above bugs cheek are to parallel. Look real close at bugs open eye look at the 's' curve thats happening.
Thanks booleanspline for your input. The shapes don't have much form huh? Well I will keep working on that I noticed there was something wrong with bug's right ear as well I made a note of it on the last drawing I think. Nice observation about the parallel lines on bugs right cheek, I didn't even notice that until you pointed that out. Anyways thanks again and I went on your blog and I must say you got some very nice caricatures, are they done in painter? If so that's a program I want to try out and I also want to say that ur yoda is badass!
Rob, thanks for the encouragement. It's just been really slow progress for me lately! About the print, it took it down from etsy so it's yours! Thanks, I really appreciate your support
It's cool to see the progress of the cartoons built-up in layers.
No prob Darcey. Anyways, can't wait to get that print and sketch. Victoria and I have reserved a spot for it in our kitchen it's going to look really cool!
Rob! Update!
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