Hello again. Long time no post, it's been graduation and I have been with my friends helping them with projects/partying/goodbyes and I haven't upkept with my blog. I do have a lot to show, unfortunately not scanned yet. I will but for now I do have this cover for this upcoming comic I'm deciding to make called, "Bug-Eye," the title may change. I feel I don't want to give too much away yet because I have a lot of work to do to it. I will soon, btw the colors look a little muted online anyone in blogland have any hints to fix that??? PS congrats to all the MICA graduates I will be joining you guys next semester :P
What color setting are these saved as? CMYK does strange things sometimes.
Other considerations may include file type and size.
Keep up the good stuff hermano
It's saved under RGB and the size is big 11 X 17 inches with a resolution of 600. I lowered the resolution to 40 to upload on the internet. For some reason the colors look muted could be I lowered the resolution too much.. I can't even click and enlarge it lol. Anyways any advice will be good
Thanks nate we should drink again when i move into my new place on park
it's like this ch racter is
straight from soal off Friz Freleng's
b rother
,,,it's name was albert
not as popul.r
this kerst-ation of wha tis to be a hu-man
hmmmm, mr. admirer you have a bizzare accent, are you german or somewhere around the area? Anyways i like friz a lot esp his tweety cartoons, but I'm not sure I know which cartoon you're talking about. Please lemme know I'm interested and if you are asking me if the character is a crustacean, nope he's a cockroach, but I can see the crustacean resemblence
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