Hello everyone who umm still reads my blog, I guess. I'm SORRY I haven't updated it in a long time, but hey now I am. YEAH!!! Anyways I'm trying out digital inking and coloring and so far I'm not too good at it. Anyways I'm creating a series of characters, mainly insects, that dwell in the forest here are two comics I made thus far...

I am also still working with caricatures, but I may take a hiatus and work more on my cartoons. Anyways here are some I did, I have more I'm still uploading them...
Love the color comics. They look great. And most importantly, they're funny. The toads crack me up. CROAK!
You're caricatures continue to get better. I love your Paris Hilton. The eyes you gave her make the caricature.
How about some more. Maybe a series of five minute caricatures?
Thanks Chris!!!
I will update my blog once I have a chance, i've been doing lots of teaching plans etc... but there will be a new comic and caricatures.
P.S. thanks for stopping by and showing me those cool caricatures can't wait to see those japanese cartoons saturday!!
the caricatures keep getting better. good work, my man
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