Here are some prints I did for my intaglio class. I want to experiment with screenprinting next so that I can start to mass produce my work. Anyways here is my first print of two monsters.
First Stage

I like this blue one

This is my second final. You could rearrange the pieces like the game duck duck goose. Anyways my prints had the faux-naif theme, bleh, and I was trying to emulate a child-like style. I thought that having a game like this would add something more to my theme.

Upclose shot of the goose

More soon to come... but I think I may post some cool work i found from cartoonists.
I like the duck, QUACK. I'd wear it.
hahaha yea dat duck is silly, i was thinking about making them into magnets, but t-shirts sounds like a good idear too. Thanks kali!! ima a big fan of your work and I appreciate the comment and response to the laserdisc question.
Rob I hope you work for MAD magazine someday. your characters are really cool
hahaha yea darcey i would love to work for mad. I always dreamt of being a person who would be responsible for corrupting the minds of the youth. Thanks darcey for the comment and if you're in baltimore still you should give me a call because we should collaborate on a comic.
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