Friday, December 27, 2013

New Drawings

Here are 3 waitresses that I created for a lesson in Stephen Silver's Character Design 2.
The background is inspired by my friend Stephen Booth,  and the colors represent the bright colors of
the eighties.  

The waitresses are based on 3 fruit shapes: banana, pear and apple.  You could look below to see how the shapes helped define the figures.

Here is an emotion sheet for the character Abelina Baxter, you can look in previous posts of other drawings I did for this character.  On this sheet you see the 6 basic emotions a character expresses and on the bottom left is two poses of the character.  This sheet is good practice for other characters that I will design in the future.

This is a memory sketch that I did based off a drawing I did at a bar in South Carolina.  I was at my cousin's house for Thanksgiving so he took me to a bar there and I drew several people getting drunk, it was fun and creepy.

Below you can see the drawing that inspired the piece.  Most of these drawings are 30 seconds to a minute.  The people here are always moving so you gotta be quick.

A bonus figure drawing sketches, I will update more figure drawings soon along with other drawings from Silver's class.

Another bonus sketches from the airport when I was waiting for my plane to South Carolina.  30 seconds to a minute each.  Maybe two minutes on the top left and bottom right. I have been doing some at Starbucks and will do more figure drawings on the subway and update those soon!

That's it for now, take care!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Last Contest for the Year

Hello!  If you have been following my blog recently you would notice that I have been participating
in contests on the website talent house. I just submitted one last one for this year so I appreciate any support and you can vote here at this link....

Here is an image of my submission.  

This piece was an experiment with Charley Harper's style and halftones.  I am trying to emulate Charlie Harper's illustrations using more straight to curve lines in the design and textures.  I also really wanted to get into halftones and I think it will be something I will continue to add into more of my work, because they are soo fun to use! I miss old comics that use halftones like the old marvel comics from the 40's through the 60's.  The colors are neutral also like the comics from that period.

I will post some more work from Stephen Silver's class soon and also more figure drawings!  

That's it for now, take care!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

New Contest and New Caricatures

Hello everybody, I am in a new contest on Talenthouse, you can vote for me at this link....

Unfortunately, I did not win the last contest I participated in, but that will not stop me from entering more. Thank you for those who voted and I always appreciate the constant support!

Here is the page it is the musician, Guy Valarino couch surfing on a sea of fans!!!

Here is a caricature of Harpo.  I chose a more reserved pose rather than his chaotic personality depicted in the movies, every time Harpo plays the harp he is serious.  Here you can see at this clip...

Here are some sketches for the piece..

I also practiced more pet caricatures, here is my friend's, Jon, dog Jake, yes like the Jake in Adventure Time! 
Jake is not happy with the Knicks this year, honestly I miss Novak from the team.

I drew this cockatoo for my mom, my influence for these drawings is Charlie Harper.  He is just awesome! The bird's name is Mickey, but later in her life we discovered Mickey was a girl... We still call her Mickey regardless.

This last one is my mom's African Grey Parrot, Skylar. 

 I have a video of him dancing to my beatboxing here is a link...

My mom is getting him to dance because he eats too much and is fat.  He has a ton of energy though for a bird his size.

That's it for now, take care!