Hello everybody, I've uploaded some more caricatures I've been doing this summer. I will soon bring my camera out to events to take pictures of more of my live versions because I did a couple good ones two weeks
ago at the ball
park and at a PNC bank.
This first caricature is my supervisor, Laura, from my summer job, and her granddaughter.

This next caricature is of a librarian and friend of mine, Chris Drowlson, as Gazoo from
the Flinstones.

The next one is my friend Joe, aka Blombro.
The next caricature is a co-worker at my summer job, Janice.

Here is my other friend Leah at the O's ballpark.

The last three caricatures are copies of Robert Bauer's done with
Prismacolor sticks. I'm going to practice more with them.

Well that's it for now, I will soon upload some images from
my upcoming comic, YAY!!!